Saturday, June 21, 2014

Wat Santidham and new friends

I made a couple friends while zip lining and they turned out to be staying just down the road from me! We met up and went to Wat Santidham. Ya Ya, pictured with me in front of the temple, is from Thailand and was providing lots of great information.

What I found most interesting (and easiest to remember) was what she shared about female monks, called nuns. One of the pictures shows a female nun, gender only visible by the color of the robe (white instead of orange). Ya Ya said monks have something like 132 rules/steps to follow and nuns have 411! She said it's very rare for woman to become nuns because they believe they're less focused,  I thought perhaps the rules had something to do with it.

The monk pictured is the most realistic statue I have ever seen. When we got inside the temple museum, I thought he was real! His statue is there to honor his devotion.

After the temple we took the red truck taxis (I'll give a picture in a  later post) to one of the gates. We had amazing vegetarian food and then went to get dessert. YUM.

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