My teachers continue to amaze me. I'm in awe of what I've learned and how much it's making sense. Some highlights from the last week:
Singing! One of our teachers is into kirtans and guitar playing and singing and she has led us in so many beautiful musical moments. I've always considered myself someone who isn't really into music, but as we were all sitting in our circle, smiling, singing, dancing, it was so beautiful. My eyes filled with tears and the joy in my heart consumed me.
Dancing! So our little side of the island is crazy. There are a couple yoga teacher training and even a detox resort, but there are also these insane all night parties. They start at about 11pm and go until 3pm twice a week. You can hear the music from my bungalow, but even louder are the boats shuttling people who came for the party back to where they're staying. Aly, Kris and I (the three shown below, we're all staying at the same place) decided to get up before training on Sunday and get our dance on. (I of course am in bed well before the parties ever start). So at 5:30am we arrived at the party. It was quite a scene, but all the people were friendly and non intrusive. We danced without anyone bothering us for about an hour and a half and then went to meditate!
Meditation! This is still a struggle for me, but I'm noticing improvements, usually the evening meditation goes better for me than the morning. There is something incredible about sitting in silence with the energy of so many wonderful people in such a beautiful, jungle paradise.
Asana! We did shoulder stand and headstand this week, along we lots of other stuff. Maybe I'll try to get a photo of one for next week :)
Philosophy! We talked a lot about non attachment to material objects as well as tothoughts and feelings. Living in the moment makes so much more sense and is so much more important than I used to understand. As long as we are seeking things outside of ourself, we will never end suffering and fully be happy. Once we see that everything we need is simply within our own souls, true peace occurs. We've also been talking a lot about the idea of oneness, and it's beginning to really resonate with me.
Bugs! Aly, kris and I stay at a place called Barcelona. It's right on the water (my sunrise photos are from my balcony) and they're raised up, so. They're actually one of the better bug options. The roof isn't fully enclosed though and bugs are most certainly an expectation. Each night we come home and do a sweep of everyone's bungalow. If there are spiders we all squeal a bit, but eventually I take care of them. The geckos we love because they eat the other bugs. They also make hysterical sounds, i was convinced someone was playing with a squeaky dog toy right outside my door the first two times I heard them. We name anything we can, and I have Spencer the spider who is really testing my patience and courage ;) The other night Aly's sink had an injured lizard stuck in it. After about 30 minutes of all sorts of ramp making, water dripping, and directing, we got him safely outside! Jungle joys! I can't remember if I already shared this, but we also had a COBRA at the studio. It coiled and drew its hood. Our always calm and worry free teacher was even a little phased by it. No one was hurt though :)
Those are this week's highlights! Student teaching starts Sunday-eek!
Photos: sunrise attempts, my bungalow inside and out (love my hammock soooo much!), some of my wonderful friends, the studio and a yoga pose!
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