Wednesday, November 27, 2013

my gratitude.

it's important to demonstrate Gratitude today, but it's equally important to demonstrate Gratitude everyday. i love my life. i love my job. my students are incredible and my colleagues are the best. i am challenged and supported on a daily basis. i am constantly learning new things about myself, others and the world around me. i love my family and friends. i love my cozy apartment. i love the way i spend (most of) my time. sure, i get busy, stressed out, frustrated, but at the end of the day, and even more importantly at the start of the day, my life is beautiful. precious. every moment we live in is a moment to appreciate. the more i find that i hold on to the uniqueness of a single moment, the more gratitude, satisfaction and contentment i feel. Gratitude is one of those magical states of being that feels uplifting to give and inspiring to receive. the power of Gratitude is infinite. when my mind begins to get stuck in the aspects of life that are stressful, whether it's because i cannot control them, it's a sticky situation, or i'm just being stubborn or narrow-minded, i push myself to stop criticizing my lack of discipline, and instead empower myself to find the gratitude in every situation. it's always true that things could always be worse, but it's also true:
I am reminded of one of my favorite quotes from Mary Oliver, that compliments this idea of Gratitude and my journey to in the present moment, beautifully.

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