Stepping away from the day to day noise, disconnecting from the internet and simply allowing myself to be, exactly as I am, were certainly my favorite moments of 2016. From North Carolina to Florida to Punta Cana to Wisconsin to Alaska to New Mexico and the Grand Canyon and even in Chicago, it's been a pretty beautiful year.
Lake Norman, Charlotte, North Carolina 1.16.16 |
Our first trip in 2016, Mike and went to visit my family in North Carolina. Just two months before he passed away, Mike had the privilege of meeting my incredible grandfather while we were there.
Love. Punta Cana, 4.23.16 |
As I look back on 2016, it is easy to feel overwhelmed, bewildered, and in aw of all that happened. In my little life alone so many ups and downs were experienced. Death and life, happiness and sorrow, pain and comfort and
love. So much love.
There's no doubt there is hate around us all too, either directly or tangentially, we have much to overcome as individuals and as a society. But the hate seems so small, compared to the love.
Sunset in Milton, Wisconsin. 5.28.16 |
And no matter how much darkness the night may bring, light always returns.
Sunrise. Miami, Florida. 5.1.16 |
Even in this flat, crowded city: beauty abounds.
During a bike ride along Chicago's lake front. 6.8.16 |
Chicago tree blooming in Spring |
Barrington, Illinois. 6.20.16 |
Snow covering a Chicago tree 12.4.16 |
Joy. Love. Peace. Inspiration. Alaska, 7.20.16 |
Few experiences can heighten an awareness of peace, beauty and magnificence like Alaska. We just barely dabbled our toes in this monstrous wonder, and we couldn't believe how much perfection filled each and every moment.
And Fall! Oh the glorious colors, fresh scents and a feeling of awakening that follows the rain.
Devil's Lake, Baraboo Wisconsin. 10.16.16 |
As I move forward into 2017, I know that there is much work to be done. There will be dark times for each of us individually and dark times for us collectively. And yet, no amount of darkness can extinguish our inner light. Through the stormy seas, love and peace remain intact. Even in moments when I feel bombarded by negativity, busyness and anger from the outside world, no one can touch my inner calm. That alone is mine to tend to, to rely on, to grow strength from. So as I think about goals for the year ahead, I think I have just one: always remember my inner self. The quiet, unwavering spirit of love and peace. Just like the sun's light is always present, even when we can't see it, my inner peace is always there, I just have to remember it, honor it, nourish it.
The world awaits at the top of the South Kaibab Trail
Grand Canyon 11.23.16 |
“And still, after all this time,
The sun never says to the earth,
"You owe Me."
Look what happens with
A love like that,
It lights the Whole Sky.”